Notes: Mount Gravatt ICT Day April 2007

mount gravatt, 7:30am

  1. Web 2.0: needs extra work to map to teaching outcomes (, flickr) Many Web 2.0 sites still blocked by policy. It makes it difficult to use all the cool web 2.0 stuff in school, especially when these tools will be used by the students for project delivery. Think a mashup as a project handin. (cool!)
  2. If multiple-media submission types (Powerpoint, video, web sites) are required for presentation: how do we present? Making the technology easier is key; and the students have more advanced Quicktime, FlashPlayer, WMV, Powerpoint than on the standard, locked down desktops. Secondly, as SVGA style connections to projectors in the room.
  3. Web job opportunities mapped to ICT. What sort of jobs exist for students in a web-world? Art teachers > design, for instance
  4. 90+% of Yr10s have IM address; 80+% communicate with people outside Australia! Can only think this is based either on family or friends overseas with similar interests
  5. Managing the balance between ICT evangelism vs. Microsoft demo-stuff.  Showing cool stuff is cool. Consider that video cabling and audio may not suit in all circumstances.
  6. Key guidance from Sean Tierney critical. 20 minute chunking important; just like adult learning.
  7. Surprised many teachers how few people it took at Castlemaine XXXX to make beer, how automated the process is. Can a bunch of teachers organise a p*ss-up in a brewery? (yes, if timetable permits)
  8. Mount Gravatt High: Im in ur your Wikipedia pages.

4 thoughts on “Notes: Mount Gravatt ICT Day April 2007”

  1. I’m quite interested in your first point, Nick. I’m teaching User Focus (usability, accessibility, standards etc) this term at Sydney Institute and came up with an idea that combines Tumblr and Jaiku.

    Each student will set up a tumble log and post on user focus stuff they find or come up with during the week. Each of these 16 tumble logs are then pulled into the class Jaiku account. So individual ownership in tumblr with community and discussion in Jaiku.

    I’m pretty excited about it but we’ll see how it goes over the next few weeks…

  2. Lisa

    One of the other interesting topic areas was “are there jobs for ‘artists’?”

    K-12 art teachers need to be connected not with just graphics arts as a potential job for artistic students, but also UX and UI style design.

    Am I out of my tree on this?


  3. not exactly sure what you mean, but we should chat about it more next time we catch up… or give me a call 🙂

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