Reviewing 2007

Goodbye, and good luck 2007.

Reviewing 2007, there were 4 resolutions/tasks to complete:

  1. Take family back to Japan, this time getting out of Tokyo (geek out in Blade Runner 2007 not 2019)
  2. Weigh less in December 2007 vs now (eat better)
  3. Refind my geek roots
  4. Write more interesting, technical articles on this blog (become less boring)

Point by point in review:

  1. Completed
  2. Lost 7kgs through the year, and as much as 8kgs. Lost 5cm from waist line.
  3. Well, joining Microsoft as a Professional Geek and the incredible journey has been cathartic/eye opening/learning rollercoaster. Loving it
  4. More technical articles. 2007 was about posting. Learning video techniques. Over 5000 on twitter alone. Maybe 2008 will be more geeky/technical?

In hindsight, I’ve loved 2007. The people I’ve met, befriended, worked with, learnt from have saved my mental state: and given me unspoken inspiration.

Biggest shout out and thanks to @frankarr. Thanks for trusting me.

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