Mark Pesce: Keynoting Australian ReMIX 2008

Taking down Conservapedia

Credit: Darren Sharp

This year’s keynote speaker at Australia’s second ReMIX is Mark Pesce. Like LOLCODE, Mark has his own, well deserved Wikipedia entry:

Australians in the internet community would recognise Mark from his copious writings on freedom, email, free/meshed wireless. He is a thought leader amongst thought leaders in this web-centric world.

I’ve seen Mark present at various conferences through 2007, and have also enjoyed his writings. At ReMIX, Mark will be elevating our imaginations to a higher plane: what may this highly connected future look like?

Microsoft know Mark is going to provide some thought provoking insights.



5 thoughts on “Mark Pesce: Keynoting Australian ReMIX 2008”

  1. This ReMIX thing… it’s basically Microsoft whoring its new web development technologies. So why do we have to pay $199 to go to a marketing event? I assume there’s a bottomless gin bottle or something?

  2. @Silgherrian: “Be one of the first in the world to receive a full copy of Expression Studio 2, valued at $1,040*, compliments of the REMIX team!”

    I wouldn’t classify it as hard marketing; in as much there are lots of smart people talking about their experience with Microsoft technology on the internet.

    On the other hand, as it is a Microsoft thing — I suppose you could call it marketing in an event.

    As you are #2 in the Mark Pesce fan club, we may have to see what we can do to smuggle out the video of his keynote from behind the iron curtain 🙂

    If you are really hard up to Mark Pesce content, there is always the gold old ABC and New Inventors where Mark keeps us entertained and educated with his personal grooming habits. 🙂

  3. @Nick Hodge: I think you missed the key three words. Bottomless. Gin. Bottle.

    If that’s not there, maybe I can live without tales of Mark Pesce’s back hair and flossing for a month.

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