Media Center Noodling

After attempting to install a dual channel Hauppauge card into the General, with the associated software installs/deinstalls – Windows Media Center could no longer see any TV Tuner Cards. This had been bugging me all week.

As always, I am determined not to go the de-install/re-install of Windows solution to problems. I’d much prefer to logically think through the problem, and learn along the way.

I found that the ehRecvr service was failing to start with a “file not found” error (check in the logs in

C:Users<username>AppDataLocalTemp) … and further checking showed ehRecvr was attempting to read a value from the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMedia Center

Comparing this branch of the registry with a known-good version, I found that something had lopped significant sub-branches off such as “…Start Menu…” – in fact, only 3 branches existed in my registry.

I suspect that one of the de-installs in the swapping from Hauppauge to/from DVico caused this, and a quick export/reimport and all is well. Subsequently, components of the Windows Media Center software were set into a strange half-state of working.

Hope this helps someone.

2 thoughts on “Media Center Noodling”

  1. Odd, I always found the Hauppauge product the easiest to deal with on media centre Windows Machines…unlike some of the other cards I’ve dealt with over the years. Vista issue perhaps?

  2. Hauppauge or user-error. Known XP issues with rollup update 2. This error seems isolated to people changing from one card to another (only a couple of examples I can find on the web)

    Not blaming Vista, registry, Hauppauge. Just one of those things with software.

    Posting my fix just in case it helps someone using google for tech support in the future. Including myself 🙂

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